About us

The SysML & Capella Users Group in Thailand fosters the exchange of information among its members. Through sharing their knowledge and experiences, they enhance their understanding of the language, methods, and tools associated with SysML and Capella.

Keep in mind that modeling language can be creatively beneficial when applied effectively. Systems engineering offers various methods for tackling problem-solving activities. SysML and Capella are excellent tools for communicating system design and modeling complex systems. However, we also have numerical methods and various techniques in systems thinking.To maximize your benefits, keep learning in SE and explore various SE tools, as they are crucial for real-world R&D in complex projects. 

  • To develop an open forum that provides real-world value to members, volunteers, and sponsors.

For more information about becoming a sponsor, a workshop sponsor, and an article writer,  please contact vorachet@gmail.com 

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