COB Modeling Language - OmniGraffle Stencil Library
SysML parametrics is based in part on a theory called composable objects (COBs). Composable objects have been
developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) as a means for representing and integrating design models
with diverse analysis models. [1]
developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) as a means for representing and integrating design models
with diverse analysis models. [1]
Design and analysis information is typically represented by a collection of interrelated models of varying discipline and fidelity. Thus a method for capturing diverse multi-fidelity models and their fine-grained relations was needed. It was also desirable for this method to be independent of the specific CAD/CAE tools used to create, manage, and compute these models.
If you are OmniGraffle user: please visit my COB stencil library at
[1] Russell S. Peak 1, Roger M. Burkhart 2 , Sanford A. Friedenthal 3 , Miyako W. Wilson 1 , Manas Bajaj 1 , Injoong Kim 1 , Simulation-Based Design Using SysML
Part 1: A Parametrics Primer
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